Ramakrishna Ananda

How To Practice Yoga

How to Practice Yoga - Tips for Success

Dear Fellow Yogi,

The first fact of yoga today, which applies throughout your yoga experience, is never strain — in the postures, meditation, or in any way. Strain creates tension. Tension is what we are getting rid of through relaxation and awareness.

In bringing body, mind and spirit into harmony, we begin to find fulfillment coming into more and more areas of our lives. We begin to realize and experience those things, and states of consciousness, which we consider important enough to put our energies into. Our body, mind and spirit can only converge in one way at a time. People who fail in finding happiness, health and fulfillment in home, career, or self-esteem are always dividing their energies between opposing priorities.

It is possible and often easy to succeed and enjoy fulfillment when you have chosen your first priority. Then let your other priorities be considered in their order of importance in your life. Your first priority may grow into something greater — let it.

Wishing you the best through Yoga!

Ramakrishna Ananda
Founder of Yoga Center of California

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